To access our Skyward Student, Fiscal and Human Resources documents and training materials:
- Click on the link below the Terms of Use to access the library.
DO NOT click the Staff Login link above
- Enter [email protected] as the username
- You must use use the username provided above.
- If your school uses Office 365, you may need to either log out of your O365 account first OR you may want to use a different web browser.
- Enter the password (if you do not know the password, please contact us)
- Choose the appropriate Library from the top menu and then navigate to content
The information contained herein is licensed, trade-secret and proprietary and may not be used, disclosed or reproduced without permission of the licensing authorities, NEWESD 101 and/or WSIPC and /or Skyward, Inc. As a condition of use, the User agrees to protect and keep the information from disclosure or falling into the public domain. The failure to comply with this agreement may result in the immediate termination of the User's right to access the information.