Business Office


To provide continuous efficient and effective support services to NEWESD 101's internal departments and assist area school districts in the timely processing of data and accurate record keeping as defined by local, state, and federal regulations to maximize resources in support of student and community success.

If you have questions, concerns, or comments for
The Business Office at NEWESD 101, please feel free to contact:
Shellie Hoxie Aaron Miles
Director of Internal Business Services Accountant
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Phone: 509-789-3743 Phone: 509-789-3769
Jennifer Davis Martha Lagerstrom
Accounting Assistant II Fiscal Analyst
Accounts Payable, Contracts, Travel, Inventory
Grants, Support
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Phone: 509-789-3511 Phone: 509-789-3510
Bridget Austin Business Office Email:
Accounting Assistant II [email protected]
Accounts Receivables, Summary Agreements [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Business Office Fax
Phone: 509-789-3509 509-456-2999


Governmental Status: NEWESD 101 is a political subdivision of the State of WA under Chapter 28A.310 RCW
Federal Tax Exempt Status: NEWESD101 is exempt under Section 115 (1) of the IRS Code
Contribution Status: Donations to NEWESD 101 are tax exempt under IRS 170(c)

Business Office Logo

Business Office Team

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