Juvenile Detention School Services

NEWESD 101 has the responsibility of operating three educational programs within Spokane County.

Two of the programs serve youth sentenced to maximum security juvenile detention centers: Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center and Martin Hall Detention Center.

The third program involves youth placed on electronic monitoring and students who are court ordered to attend an alternative school setting. This program is known as the Success Through Academic Connections (SAC) School.

The three programs are operated by a team of dedicated professional educators (photo); all highly experienced in juvenile detention settings.

We believe education is a partnership among students, school employees, family, and community. Our goals are to foster lifelong learning and promote achievement, responsibility, motivation, and self-esteem in a safe and positive environment.

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Juvenile Detention School Programs is to provide pre-adjudicated and adjudicated students with a well-rounded educational program. Students, though enrolled in our school for a relatively short period of time, are given a chance to increase their knowledge and skills in basic education subjects. Opportunities are also provided for students to develop positive attitudes toward learning. Ideally, the skills and attitudes learned at our school will enhance the students' chances for success when they return to their school and to the community.

Our philosophy is success for all students and staff. Students participating in our school program will learn and demonstrate the following:

1. Confidence as a learner and a person.
2. Self-direction as a learner.
3. Concern and respect for others.
4. Comprehension and application of knowledge.
5. Higher level thinking skills in the areas of problem solving, decision making and critical thinking skills.
6. Effective communication skills.

Our school's curriculum is aligned with the Washington Student Learning Goals and is currently being realigned with the Common Core State Standards and Marzano Learning Framework. A present goal is to increase vocational education and to implement a new curriculum piece involving Restorative Justice, which provides a new way of thinking about crime and criminal justice (i.e., interaction with visiting judges in our classrooms and lessons on changing criminal behavior). Pre-vocational education and successful transition back to local schools and the community is a major focus.


School and Community Resources

Visit the School and Community Resources Page to learn more about the Juvenile Detention School Services and access specific resources. 



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