NEWEC Service Area

Service AreaThe Council, through NEWESD 101, provides services to 59 public school districts and 44 state-approved private schools that collectively enroll 104, 232 PK-12 students.

Primary services are delivered in Adams, Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens and Whitman counties.

The region is comprised of mostly small, rural schools whose lack of critical mass (both people and financial resources) complicates their ability to provide basic education services.

Without the cooperative services offered by NEWESD 101, many rural schools would be unable to offer the comprehensive educational programs their students need for college and lifelong success.

NEWESD services are provided in a host of areas benefiting regional K-12 education including: education reform and improvement, school-to-work training, high school completion and re-entry, STEM education, student risk prevention, juvenile detention education, educational technology, staff development and school financial services.


Council's goal: Build opportunity for kids

State "core" funding of ESDs in Washington has been declining for more than a decade. In 2020, "core" funding totaled only about 5 percent of the overall NEWESD 101 budget. The remaining 95 percent was derived from competitive grants, cooperatives and fees for service.

To compensate for declining state revenue in a time of rising need, NEWEC was formed to help diversify and stabilize funding for service to students and schools.

Ways to help

Gifts may be made to the Council in a number of ways including volunteerism, one-time donations, multi-year pledges, matching corporate gifts, endowments and bequests. Gifts options include:

• Cash

• Gifts in-kind (personal property)

• Securities

• Designated United Way donations

The Council is a 501(c)(3) public charity. That is an IRS designation that means the organization is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.

Donation PDF Form


NEWEC mission statement

IRS 990-EZ statement, 2019

NEWEC funding guidelines
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