Center on the Developing Child - Harvard University
Stress, Resilience, and The Role of Science: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic website
Conscious Discipline
COVID-19: Viral SEL Resources website including
Five Helpful Responses for Families
Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance System
Infant Toddler Resource Guide website
Virtual Infant, Toddler & School Age Child Care (ITSACC) Institute website
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
Infant/Toddler Effective Practice Series website
Resources for Infant/Toddler Learning Environments website
Teaching Practices:
Individualizing Care for Infants and Toddlers website
Teacher Time:
Infant/Toddler Curriculum Series website
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Mommy Speech Therapy website - Using Turn Taking & Imitation to Encourage Communication
Zero to Three
Coronavirus Resources for Early Childhood Professionals website